World Tree

Smoking ruins

A Hundred times a hundred thunder

A Thousand times a thousand fires

The Wind of the winds

In the wind’s ways

The song of the skylark

A Hundred times a hundred

The chill of the frost

Pellervo (Man’s name in old Finnish Kalevala epic)

The loan of the pond

World Tree

I received this poem during a meditation in 20th of October 2020. At the same time, I saw a vision of a World Tree rising. I saw thousands of years of changes in earth, ice age, earth moving, emptiness, then the stone moved, and the World Tree rose and it shined light everywhere in the world.

The World Tree is one name for an ancient metaphor for the world, the structure of the world, and man in this universe, the universe. The World Tree came into my thoughts with such a ”rush” and at a time when the world books were, so to speak, very messed up. I associate the symbolism of the World Tree, especially through that poem, with the fact that now is indeed the time for change.

I see the World Tree as a symbol of man. We humans have roots in the earth and at the same time we reach out – or we can reach – for heaven and other dimensions. We are here between heaven and earth, yet in the end we come from neither.

In this time, we must reach up to the heights of our minds and we must put down roots within ourselves in order to know our own knowledge, our own wisdom. We all have a pulsating coding from the original seed inside. When we also remember that we are naturally always connected, we can (begin) trust that we can find harmony in the chaos within us. Trust in connection is more important now than ever, as the world is undergoing inevitable change and we get to build a new world.

I wish we could all feel connected to the universe and our roots, so that we can manifest our wonderful inner selves and show ourselves in the world just as we are, wonderful individuals, creating our world together. To be the World Tree that will not be uprooted by the turmoil of the world and could only enjoy the fluctuation of the magnificent canopy in the Cosmos. We have a choice.